A Favorable Turn of Fortune / by Kumiko Jitsukawa

Time goes by so quickly, and this year is almost over. How has the year 2023 been for you? December 22nd marks the winter solstice, signifying the shortest day of the year.

 In Japanese, the winter solstice is called “Toji (冬至),” carrying the meaning of “Ichiyou raifuku (一陽来復),” a favorable turn of fortune.

This is because the winter solstice is the day when the sun's light is at its weakest, marking a turning point when the days become longer, and Yin (negative) is at its peak. Japanese tradition holds that things will turn Yang (positive) from that day onwards.

While it is typically a yearly cycle, looking back on the challenging period of the last few years, even though many issues persist globally, I sense a change in a positive direction. How do you reflect on 2023 and your journey over the years?

Throughout this year, I've had the pleasure of meeting many people through public and corporate workshops. It's been a great opportunity for me to learn that people seek a peaceful mind and deep spiritual fulfillment through Japanese culture. So, though small, I hope to continue sharing wisdom from our ancestors based on my experiences through these workshops, events, and this newsletter.

As we say good-bey to this year, may the symbolic turn on the winter solstice bring hope and positivity for all our tomorrows. I want to say thank you very much for supporting me and Ki-Chu New York. Wishing you peace, growth, and fulfillment in the coming year.